Mirimiri Healers And Practitioners For Wellbeing.

Mirimiri, Traditional Maori healing for connected wellbeing. At Ira AIO, we are dedicated Maori healers, using our tipuna philosophies and practices to calm the mind, energise the body, and honour the spirit.

Latest News

Dates for 2025 Wānanga are now available here!

Nau mai haere mai Native Soul healing Welcome to your new online home

Over the past 10 years, we’ve had the honour and privilege of welcoming people from all walks of life into our home and family through Native Soul Healing. It has always been a place of love, sanctuary, and support for those seeking to discover or reignite their healing journey through their “Native Soul.”

As with all good things, growth and evolution are inevitable. The next wairua step for us is to guide those deeply invested in their Native Soul Healing Journey toward IRA AIO. This transition feels so exciting that it’s almost beyond words.

The natural progression of this journey leads to transcending oneself to the realm of IRA AIO. Just as we move through ira tangata — the realm of humanity — and draw inspiration from ira atua, the divine essence, IRA AIO calls us to a state of balance, harmony, and interconnectedness. It is the ultimate wairua step, where all pathways converge into unity and peace.

mirimiri – The traditional Exchange of Energy

Heal yourself to heal the those around you!




Hui Oranga – Clinics


Personalised Training

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E-hoa Pānui!

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Kākahu Australia

coming soon…


We Hold Regular Mirimiri Wānanga In Aotearoa & Australia

Find the balance you’ve been searching for. Express your unique quality to the multi-dimensions within.



The spiritual essence that connects us to the world around us and beyond. It’s the unseen force that influences our sense of peace and purpose. At our Mirimiri Wairua wananga, you’ll learn to nurture and strengthen your wairua, fostering a deeper connection with yourself and the natural world. Join us to explore your spiritual journey and bring harmony to your life.



The physical body, the vessel through which we experience life. It’s essential to care for our bodies through movement, nourishment, and healing. At our Mirimiri wananga, you’ll learn traditional practices to realign, strengthen, and rejuvenate your body. Join us to rediscover balance and vitality through the wisdom of Mãori healing.



The mind, including thoughts, emotions, and mental wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy hinengaro is key to overall wellness. At the wananga, you’ll explore techniques to calm the mind, manage stress, and enhance mental clarity. Come along to deepen your understanding of mental wellbeing and start your journey toward a balanced, harmonious life.

Our Commitment to

Our iwi Healing Methods

We deliver Maori healing practices, empowering individuals to achieve balance, vitality, and clarity in their lives.


He Kōrero


IRA AIO provided me with profound insights into Maori healing practices. So looking forward to the next Wānanga.


The training with Pani and Richelle changed my life and how I view Mirimiri, especially now with IRA AIO. It’s transformed my approach to life in general.

Join Us


Mirimiri Wānanga Retreat on Kapiti Island
January 31, 2025

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